Learn what you need to know before buying property to prevent expensive errors

Discover how to incorporate community needs into your development plans

Master key steps to avoid costly development mistakes and save money

Before You Build Vol. 1  eBook Overview

Dive into the world of real estate development with Joanna Jane's comprehensive eBook series.  Gain insights on avoiding costly mistakes, understanding community planning, and mastering the art of successful development projects. Discover what you need to know before investing in property and how to create a development plan that aligns with community values.   O’Hara Developments does not guarantee any results or income as a result of reading or purchasing this book. Before Your Build is for general educational purposes only, please seek your individual advisors before making any personal decisions.   **All purchases are non-refundable**

image of Joanna Jane Bartholomew

Meet the Author

Joanna Jane is known as an Economic Change Agent, and the CEO & Founder of O'Hara Development Partners. After years under the real estate arm of her father, Joanna Jane took her gifts from social work and finance to birth O'Hara Development Partners, a community development company that focuses on the heart of the people and the quality of their living. Hearing the needs of the community first, the O'Hara Project Development Team is transforming vacant and decayed properties to provide family friendly neighborhoods that will strengthen the quality of their living, increase home ownership, provide attractive rental opportunities, and return green spaces to functional and recreational use.

Let Joanna Jane, CEO of O'Hara Development Partners, teach you the necessary steps to build WITH the community BEFORE purchasing that property or buying the block.

Purchase Joanna Jane's exclusive eBook and transform your approach to real estate projects.